Monday, April 7, 2008

Project #3

Alright here we go...hold on. The A-Team came at this project like a whirling tornado of enthusiasm. We dove in, got our hands dirty and coordinated one freaking spectaculicious science camp. Here at our science camp the kids blew stuff up, raced solar cars and created some gross gooey slime that honestly I didn't understand their infatuation. The day was a hit. Not only did the kids leave with a kit that included fun inexpensive experiments to do at home but almost everyone left with a PRIZE! The prizes included Frisbees, baseball bats, Monopoly NBA boardgames and much much more. This was a special little extra something we were able to provide for our Dreamers thanks to our sponsors.

Our Dreamers

The kids were out of this world AAAAaaaaamazing. Many of our trained professionals (teachers) made comments on how well behaved our Dreamers were. These kids are something to talk about. We were so privileged to get to know them during and prior to Metro State Science Camp. Ben and Chris coached the kids to victory against the opposing Dreamer team. Cindy and I taught Jesus how to shoot a soccer ball. We came to find that the most effective learning style was hands on so we put Jesus in goal while Cindy and I shot at him. He handled the heat especially well and in turn truly learned a valuable lesson, don't let a couple of cute girls convince you to stand against a fence where they kick a ball as hard as they can at you. JK JK JK JK JK(just kidding) Anyway, this project by far takes the cake when it comes to projects. It was so much fun I don't even know where to start.

Metro State Science Camp

This camp was so cool simply because not many of these kids will ever be able to afford a Science Camp. So this may have been the one chance we had to get them excited about Science. The kids started their day breaking into teams where name tags were written and team t-shirts were given. Then they witnessed four pop bottles pumped full of Mentos and blown up! Kids love stuff that BLOWS UP! The kids were PUMPED and ready to learn. We had a total of 7 stations. The students rotated every 15 minutes. At our lunch break the students all guessed how many M&Ms were in a jar. The top three were awarded their prize at our award ceremony at the end of the day. Each kid left with a STEM Kit (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) which included tons of fun experiments like grow your own candy and make it rain in your kitchen.
I loved every minute with the Dreamers. The kids were outstanding and hilarious...shot out to William William, you rock buddy! This is an experience that has changed my life and I can't wait to spend more time with Erin and her class, influencing the Dreamer's lives.
Some Extra Jazz We Did On the Side

My team and I looked at our budget and decided that $100 is great and we can do a lot with it but what if we had more? So we hit up all of our awesome resources and went to town. We as a team raised a grand total of...........Dah Dah Dah Da....



It was un-flipping believable. We had tons of supplies and prizes and toys and cash. So we looked at our resources and began to plan how to use the tools to best benefit the kids. We all put our heads together and realized, we had enough funding to buy STEVE SPANGLER'S ENTIRE Science line!! This was beyond cool because not only did the kids leave with over $700 worth of prizes but they will also be able to continue their new love for Science with Erin in their after school program. How cool is that?
We delivered the supplies to Erin this past Monday. She informed us that they have decided to run a Camp this summer and had no idea what to do for the Science section. This literally came at the perfect time. Not only did they have Chemistry Lab Kits, Air Bazookas but also two books that included step by step instructions to over 730 experiments on top of the Curriculum Binder we designed specifically for her class. We know that these kids won't be leaving with just the memories of a fun day at Metro but the tools to build their knowledge and excitement for a field that probably wouldn't have been available prior to our involvement.

Special Thanks To:
The Dreamers!!!!!

Erin Larrabee

Steve Spangler Science

Sports Authority

Mike McDonald with McDonald Automotive Group

Planet Honda

Don Jones with Air Ambulance Specialists, INC

Mike Braun with Quality Mechanical

Roger Mangan

Our Teachers Help

+Everyone that participated in helping us further the education of these Dreamers!

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